Cop Dumps Orphaned Ducks In Pond And They Find New Mom
These orphaned ducklings needed someone to look after them, and luckily they found the perfect duck for the job!
Rachel Shapiro

Chris Grandy is a professional golfer who works at South Winds Golf Club in Southgate, Michigan. The golf club has a pond in the middle of their course that’s home to a duck named Stella. In May 2018, Stella laid nine eggs. Grandy, who’s an animal lover, told his team to be careful not to disturb their nest.

A few weeks later, nine healthy baby ducks hatched.

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The family of 10 was as happy as could be. They spent their days wandering around the golf course and swimming in the pond together.

But little did they know, their family was about to get much bigger.

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In June 2018, an Animal Control Officer named Denise Desrosiers received a call about 10 ducklings who were stranded on a busy highway in Southgate. When she reached the ducklings, she didn’t see their mom around anywhere. She guessed that the ducklings were orphans.

The ducklings needed a new home, and so Desrosiers decided to bring the, over to the pond at South Winds Golf Club.

She talked to Grandy and he said she could put the ducklings in the golf course’s pond. Grandy was worried about the ducklings—they were too little to fend for themselves.

“So we take them out to the pond, we don’t know what to do. No mother, they’re going to have a problem,” Grandy told Fox 2 News.

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Desrosiers released the 10 ducklings into the pond, hoping that they would be okay. And then, the ducklings spotted Stella and her flock.

The 10 orphaned ducklings swam over to Stella and her ducklings. Stella immediately accepted the ducklings into her flock. Just like that, Stella was the proud mama of 19 ducklings!

“She’s basically saying, ‘Follow me,'” one of the people watching said as the ducklings swam to their new adopted mom.

Grandy was amazed to see how kind Stella was. He told Fox 2 News:

“They lost their mom and now they got a new mom. It was the most precious kind of thing I’ve ever witnessed. It was such a motherly thing. It was something I’ve never experienced after forty years here at the golf course.”

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The ducklings have been with Stella for a few weeks now, and they’re all doing great!

These precious ducks have formed a wonderful family. Stella has some amazing maternal instincts—she didn’t hesitate for a second when faced when 10 ducklings who desperately needed a mom.

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Thanks to Grandy and Desrosiers, these 10 orphaned ducklings have found a wonderful new mom who will take great care of them. If you’d like to learn more about this amazing duckling rescue, check out the video below.

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